Week 2 Social Media Challenge

STORM @ Home Social Media Challenge
We would love to see what you've been up to this week and how you're seeing God at work as you Serve Jesus by Serving Others. Post your photos and videos on your social media account and share with us!

Be sure you have permission to share photos if they include other people and/or property that isn't yours. 
And please be sure you're demonstrating all necessary Covid-19 safety precautions in your photos (social distancing, masks, etc. if you're with others).

Follow and Share STORM@ Home on Social Media! 

Make sure you have permission to take and share photos of others. 
On Instagram, tag @STORMcampMN and use #STORMatHome 
On Facebook, post pics to our STORM Camp Page

Not on Social Media? No problem! Email your pics to servingjesus.servingothers@gmail.com

By tagging and sharing your photos, you are giving STORM Camp permission to use your photos and share on STORM Social Media Accounts and YouTube